Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bro Clothing Test

Bros could care less about what they look or smell like when they’re chilling with their bros. however, if someone with two X chromosomes enters the mix, bros act like they getting ready to walk the red carpet at the Oscars. Most will rush to their rooms and perform the bro clothing test on the clothing. This test has been used by most bros throughout history and while it isn’t scientifically proven to work bros don’t care, because science is totally boring. Here are the 6 steps that must be taken to perform the bro clothing test:

1. Pick up shirt and pants of off floor.
2. Toss clothes on nearest item of furniture.
3. Find clean boxers and 2 socks that match (If possible)
4. Pick up shirt and scan for stains then sniff various sections to search for fowl odors.
a. If shirt has foul odor but is a shirt that you’ve worn before that a chick has complimented and you need to wear it to boost your confidence around them, spray them with axe to freshen them up.
5. Grab pants, search for holes and stains. Crumple into ball and sniff.
b. If pants have holes in them either get your mom to sew them or just throw them away because a bro only wears pants that are complete. Holes are for arrogant dudes.
6. If all is well, proceed to put clothes on.

Some say that clothes make the man, but the man could be wearing a brand new Armani suit just flown in from Italy and if he doesn’t know how to form a sentence around a girl he’s got about the same chances as the homeless bum he passed on his way to the club. If you’re a true bro you just make sure that your clothes are fresh and clean and then you proceed to spit game at the ladies that cross your path. Sure, they may not compliment your clothes but if you can hold a conversation with them you’ve dressed for success. Trust me, the test works.

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