Monday, July 27, 2009

Buffalo Wild Wings

What Mecca is to the Islamic faith, Buffalo Wild Wings is to bros. Its enticing sauces offer flavors that every bro can agree on; they also are ways to tell which bro is the toughest. They provide for a competitive eating atmosphere. The competitions usually arise over the amount of wings that one bro can eat, and also who can eat the hottest wings.

Every group will likely be compiled of average eaters, but all groups have one man who is the token fat guy. The token fat guy can out eat any of the bros at any dining establishment, with no problem. At least he thinks he can, but there is one that he wasn’t expecting to have to out eat. This is the bro I like to call the Quiet Storm Bro.

This guy lies low for the entire meal, but when casual dining turns freakishly competitive, he proves to be a big eater. He’s been sitting at the end of the table the whole meal, just making informal conversation and a joke here and there. All the while he’s been going Kobayashi on the wings. No one can tell how many pieces of chicken have fallen to this punisher of the poultry, but that’s because no one has really been paying attention to him.

The big guy never thought that he would be out eaten by his skinny little bro, but after taking a glance down the table and seeing the graveyard that QS bro has created, he panics. A cold sweat overtakes his large, large body and he starts to eat at a rapid pace just to catch up to his smaller bro. Sadly, while he is sitting there, confident that he’d eat the most wings, his crown of biggest eater will be taken by a bro he outweighs by close to 100 pounds.

Crushed, he leaves the restaurant in a huff. However, he is still glad that he ate such a delicious meal. Because no one leaves B Dubs on an empty stomach, and everyone knows that when a bro is full, he’s happy.

1 comment:

  1. so true my friend, so true. this was me with t-bell last night. i feel like such a mexican american now. i believe the total of my food was...$12.34 or something like that. ate it all, and look at me.
