Saturday, July 25, 2009

My First Brotivity - Bro, Smell This!

The world is full of a cornucopia of scents, some are unusual and gross while others are delicious like a muffin. Since the beginning of time bros have been interested in smells, once something hits their nostrils they track it like a bloodhound looking for an escaped convict.

The rules of smells are simple; if you smell something gross you may ask your bro to smell it too. If he agrees then he must take a deep whiff and really soak up all of the flavors that the smell has to offer. Enjoying them like a fancy five course meal. Now that he has smelled what you asked him to smell you are in debt to him. You don’t owe him money or a dinner at a fine bro-worthy restaurant, but next time he smells something vile and asks you to share the scent with him, you can’t say no. You have no choice but to return the favor and explore this new scent with him because he did the same thing for you.

If he wants you to smell his foot after he’s worn the same socks all week, you smell his foot. If he just found a bag of something that has changed color from being in the back of his fridge for so long, and he wants you to see what it smells like, you see what it smells like. If a small animal has crawled into his trashcan and died and he wants you to take a whiff, you take a whiff. No questions asked. So don’t make someone smell something if you aren’t prepared to smell something of theirs.

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