Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Something That Bugs Me (That's Really Not That Serious)

Most of the T.V. Shows I enjoy are funny, light-hearted comedies with a very dry type of humor. There is one show though that I enjoy more than most comedies though and that is Intervention. If you haven’t seen it, you should. Back in the early days of the show it would always open up with a what’s-gonna-happen-in-this-episode-segment and then it would show the show title followed by the name of the person who the episode is about. While the name is on the screen the voice of the addict would come on behind and you would here he/she spell their name. I loved that part. But now that part is no more and I have no idea why it has been taken off. It really bugs me. I mean, I’m not sure what it was about someone named John saying, “My name is John, J-O-H-N,” that got me all giddy like a school girl, but it did. I like seeing if the addict can actually spell their name while they’re all hopped up on their drug of choice. Sadly, now that never happens anymore. I yearn for the days of the name spelling, the days where you got to see if the high school drop out who lives in his car could remember what he learned in hooked on phonics in first grade. They need to bring it back because I know that I’m not the only one who misses it. I may be the only one that is truly bothered by the fact that it’s gone but I’m sure that others enjoyed the 2 second spelling lesson they got every time the show opened up. I’m not saying that I won’t watch Intervention if it’s not added to the opening again, but I’m just not going to be as focused on the beginning as I used to be. And that is what bugs me.

1 comment:

  1. my name is jessica. j-e-s-s-i-c-a, and i miss that part, too.
