Monday, July 27, 2009

Get Rich and Famous in 9 Months

In a world where the economy is struggling, people are asking for advice on how to make money. I mean they're not asking me personally because I have enough trouble with managing my own money so I'm not in a place to tell people what to do with their own cash. However, I do have a scheme to get rich and famous in about 9 months. There is a new trend in Hollywood going on that has to do with abnormal amounts of children. So that's all you have to do, have an obscene amount of children and exploit them on a T.V. show. Many people have done it and it works. John and Kate Plus 8, Octo-mom and stage-moms all over the world are all success stories, kind of. You're probably wondering, is it really as simple as that? And the answer is yes. All you have to do is find someone willing to have that many kids with you, marry them, go through the nine month process of childbirth, take care of the infants, change a boatload of diapers, feed them, keep them from crying all the time, sleep maybe 2 hours a night, pay for all their medical bills, put a roof over their heads, drive them around, oh and then exploit on a T.V. show for millions of dollars. So if you wanna do all that, be my guest. I'll just sit back and enjoy the show when it comes to TLC.

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