Saturday, July 25, 2009

Basketball Camp

Yesterday brought about the end of my weeks of coaching basketball camp and it also showed me something that I already knew, except it made it a bit more obvious. I'm awful at basketball. I'm only really good at one sport, ultimate frisbee, and I'm okay at a lot of other ones, but when it comes to basketball it's pretty clear that I need to keep my day job. If I were to try out for a middle school team I would only make it because I'm much taller than the average middle school, pre-pubescent boy. But if I were to try out for the high school team I would get laughed at. And not just laughed at like you laugh at a good knock-knock joke, it's more like how you laugh at someone who was trying to make a witty comeback against something you said when you guys were walking down the street and then he just bashes his head on a sign that he never saw coming because he was so busy with his comeback. At the same time this is going on they'd also be looking for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and inform them that he totally got them. My chances of making a basketball team are similar to the chances that Elvis is still alive. Yet somehow I'm equipped enough with basketball knowledge that I can coach small children in the basics of the sport. I'm more of a glorified baby-sitter than a basketball coach. But at least I'm better than the average 3rd graders.
That and that alone is what boosts my self esteem on the basketball court.

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