Saturday, August 15, 2009

Being Bored

You may be asking; How is it possible for a brotivity to come about when you’re not doing anything? Well, bros are very good at doing nothing, and it’s something they often enjoy to do. Sitting around, having nothing constructive to do is one of a bros’ favorite things in the world. Honestly, what could possibly be less stressful then being bored? You have no responsibilities or things to do (well, you may, but you’re ignoring it and choosing to just say that you’re bored instead.)

Sure there are plenty of things you probably could, or should, be doing. You could mow the lawn, walk the dog, even show your buddies who is boss when it comes to video games, but instead you just do nothing. You sit and stare and complain that you have nothing to do. However, even amidst your childish complaining, you are completely content, you are as carefree as a goldfish in a bowl, you live for the days where you can just sit and talk about how you wish there was something to do; even though you don’t.

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